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Tankette production in 1942,43


I have that there were produced CV 38 tankettes, 52 in 1942 and 32 in 1943. Some data says that it was a 13.2mm Machine gun, but i have also seen that it retained the machine gun armament of earlier tankettes. Any information on this?

Edit: other sources talk only about convertions
About ninety of them were actually produced (out of two hundred commissioned) between 1942 and 1943 but in reality they were not new constructions but old models to which the rolling train and the torsion bars were modified and the armament modified .
All the best


Staff member
Your numbers (52 and 32) appear to come from La meccanizzazione dell'Esercito fino al 1943 tomo I, appendice I (pp. 473-476). The L38 entry has Footnote 2 which states "A.R. 14.27.5 Produzione automezzi ecc. cit. Usiamo l'ufficiosa denominazione L38 per indicare i carri veloci di diverse serie ma aggiornate di rotolamento a barre di torsione e nell'armamento con due Breda 8mm, mezzi che il documento indica come «CVL35 modifica»".

P. 259 states
Meno di un mese dopo veniva pubblicata la circolare n. 3446 dal titolo Impiego delle unità carriste. Sembra interessante riassumere le caratterische dei vari tipi di carro previsti:
- fra i carri L, ne compariva uno armato di mitragliatrice da 13,2 mmm in casamatta. Era questo uno degli ultimi epigoni del C.V. con un nuovo treno di rotlamento a barre di torsione. L'aggiornamento poteva esere effettuato anche sugli esemplari in dotazione al Regio Esercito durante le revisioni. L documentazione fotographica mostra infatti anche esemplari della prima serie (a scafo saldato) con tali modifiche;'

The latter statement indicates that vehicles can be modified/upgraded. Whether that is what happened with the 84 vehicles build/modified, I don't know.

Pista! Jeff


I think i go for modifications of existing ones and retaining the 8mm MG's. so without the 13.2mm. But Maurizio says armament changed.
Would be interesting to know to what units they went.
In fact it is not clear whether all the transformed wagons mounted Madsen. Some photographic evidence shows this type of tanks with Breda and even with the original 8 gauge. It is certain, however, that they were only used in Italy (Sicily, Corsica). Many specimens fell into German hands or were used by departments of the RSI ... The Germans never used them in combat.
All the best


Staff member
I haven't found anything that states a Madsen for Italian vehicles. The weapons are either the Breda 8mm or the 13,2mm. See La Gli autoveicoli da combattimento dell'Esercito tomo I pp. 536, 540 and tomo II pp. 679-680.

The Brasilian vehicles were delivered with both weapons. Of the total of 23, 5 were equipped with the Breda 13,2mm, the remaining 18 with a pair of 7mm Madsen. Ibid above tomo I p. 551 and Fronte Terra: Carri armati 2/II pp. 74-77.

Pista! Jeff


Yes that what i am thinking too, still wonder if they bothered to put the Breda 13 in old vehicles - i think we can establish these were refurbished old vehicles - That was something important for 1940 against the British, a counter to the British VI tank and armored cars, but by 1942...