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MVSN military organizations (all levels)

Eugen Pinak

New Member
MVSN short story (in Italian): http://www.regioesercito.it/milizia/mvsnstoria.htm

Basic MVSN military organization was the infantry battalion. AFAIK, it was never similar to the Army infantry battalion - it was always smaller and lightly armed.

According to the article from "RIVISTA MILITARE 1932 N.5", Blackshirt infantry battalion was organized, as follow:
- HQ platoon,
- Signal platoon (plotone collegamenti) - reduced composition compared to Army battalion (one less squad, probably to match the lack of one (HMG) company).
- 3 Blackshirt companies (HQ platoon (with signal squad-?), 3 Blackshirt platoons, 1 recon squad).

Blackshirt platoon was organized along Army 1928-pattern rifle platoon, but had only 2 rifle squads instead of 3. So there were 2 rifle and 1 LMG (with 2 LMG) squads - IMHO, very logical combination, unlike the Army one.

Author refused to provide exact data on battalion strength, only saying, it has 1/2 of the officers, 1/1,5 of the NCO, 1/1,6 of the troops and 1/2 of the horses of the Army infantry battalion. He also says, that Blackshirt battalion has no HMG, has comparable amount of "trombonicini", but superior amount of hand grenades and LMG ammo magazines, compared to Army battalion.

Note, that 1932 article also mentions Blackshirt cyclist battalions of the MVSN, though says nothing on their organization.

The normal allocation of Blackshirt infantry battalions seems to be 2 per infantry division. I wonder, if Blackshirt cyclist battalions were intended for allocation to Celere divisions?

See here: https://comandosupremo.com/blackshirts/


The infantry divisions were supposed to have a Militia Legion - but at war start i think only one had a Legion. Most others had only a battalion. Some had none.



-Plotone comando

-->Squadra Maggiorità

-->Squadra Telegrafisti e Segnalatori

-->Squadra Radiotelegrafisti

-->Squadra Servizi

2 Battaglioni Camicie Nere d'Assalto


-Plotone comando

-->Squadra Comando

-->Squadra Collegamenti

-->Squadra Servizi

-Plotone Esploratori

-->3 Squadre Esploratori

-3 Compagnie Camicie Nere d'Assalto

--Plotone Comando

--->Squadra Comando

--->Squadra Servizi

--2 Plotoni Camicie Nere d'Assalto

--->2 Squadre Camicie Nere d'Assalto (2 fuc. mitr. da 6,5)

-Compagnia Camicie Nere Mitraglieri (di battaglione)

--Plotone Comando

--->Squadra Comando

--->Squadra Collegamenti

--->Squadra Rifornitori

--->Squadra Salmeria e Carreggio

--2 Plotoni Camicie Nere Mitraglieri

--->2 Squadre Camicie Nere Mitraglieri (1 mtr. da 8)

Compagnia Camicie Nere Mitraglieri (di legione)

-Plotone Comando

-->Squadra Comando

-->Squadra Collegamenti

-->Squadra Rifornitori

-->Squadra Salmeria e Carreggio

--2 Plotoni Camicie Nere Mitraglieri

--->2 Squadre Camicie Nere Mitraglieri (1 mtr. da 8)

--2 Plotoni Camicie Nere Mortai d'Assalto da 45

--->3 Squadre Mortai d'Assalto da 45 (3 mo. da 45)


1.258 effettivi (52 ufficiali, 76 sottufficiali, 1.130 camicie nere)

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