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June 1940, north Africa division paper ToE and actual ToE


The second most common type of division was the "Divisione CC.NN." the infantry of these came from the fascist party armed organization MVSN, there were three of this: "1a" (1st) "23 Marzo", "2a" (2nd) "28 Ottobre" and "4a" (4th) "3 Gennaio", a fourth the "3a" (3rd) "21 Aprile" was disbanded in May 1940 and with the Army units in her and new infantry rgt was formed the "64a" (64th) "Catanzaro" infantry division on a AT A.S. 40 division.
the CC.NN. division were included in the XXIII (1a and 2a) and XXII (4a) army corps, in the XXII there was also the Catanzaro, the weaponry available for the Allegato 4 is similar for both the corps (in the assumption that real day of Allegato 4 is f1st May, the second division in the XXII corps in the 3a CC.NN.).
The XXII and XXIII corps both had 368 LMG and 274 MG (after take out the 92 of the L-3 from the XXII), the XXII had 122 pieces and the XXIII 132, the XXII had also 6 mortars.

supposed organization for the CC.NN.* divisions:
Infantry rgt (x2): 32 MG, 27 LMG ** this 27 is a mistype for 81
Replacement btln: 6 MG, 18 LMG
MG btln: 48 MG
A.T. coy: probably 6-47/32
Artillery rgt: 12-100/17, 24-75/27, 16-20/65, 18 MG
65/17 battery: 4-65/17, 1 MG

* One of this division the six mortar available, for me are 81mm (my distribution of 57 45mm mortars each of the eight other AT A.S. 40 divison left 0 availability of the light mortar)

paper organization from Ceva and Stefani book (i think is wrong), in this case they not give weaponry
Infantry rgt (x2): each with three rifle btln, a mortar coy and a 65/17 btry
Replacement btln:
MG btln:
A.T. coy:
Artillery rgt: two 75/27 btln , one 100/17 btln and two 20/65 btry
Also this need a update after the Catanzaro article

paper (wartime) organization from Ceva and Stefani book (i think is wrong), and Catanzaro article,
Infantry rgt (x2): each with three rifle btln, a mortar coy and a 65/17 btry, btln with 12 mg, 36 lmg, 9 45mm mortars
Replacement btln:
MG btln: 36 mg
A.T. coy:
Artillery rgt: two 75/27 btln (24) , one 100/17 btln (12) and two 20/65 btry

supposed organization for the CC.NN.* divisions:
Infantry rgt (x2): 37 MG, 81 LMG , 4 65/17
Replacement btln: 9 MG, 18 LMG
MG btln: 36 MG
A.T. coy: probably 6-47/32
Artillery rgt: 12-100/17, 24-75/27, 16-20/65, 18 MG


the Allegato 4 it's for the 1st june, we don't know the hour but the first infantry unit of Catanzaro, the 203rd mg btln, just landed the 1st June at Derna, my opinion that the XXII is on 2 CCNN divisions in the Allegato 4, if you see the equipment numbers are similar to the XXIII, and different from the X (that was with army divisions)


Possible. The troop numbers are the same in Allegato 5 and Catanzaro is attached maybe just sloppy accounting.