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List of all Italian (RSI) units employed on the Anzio - Nettuno's Front


Staff member
Posted 23 August 2006 - 07:19 AM by Barbarigo


- 52° e 53° Battaglione Ispettorato Militare del Lavoro = 1.100 soldiers
- II battaglione Genio Pionieri = 450 soldiers
- III battaglione Genio Pionieri = 500 soldiers (from may 1944)
- CIV e CV Battaglione da Fortezza = 1.200 soldiers
- 64° Comando Provinciale Littoria = 450 soldiers
- 58° Comando Militare di Zona = 80 soldiers
- 200a Compagnia di Sanità di Zona = 120 soldiers


- Battaglione "Barbarigo" = 1.180 soldiers
- Gruppo d'Artiglieria "San Giorgio" 2 batteries = 120, then 155 soldiers (from march 1944)
- Base mezzi d'Assalto - MTSM e SMA (from january 1944) and 2nd Squadriglia MAS = 400 soldiers


- Gruppo Aereosiluranti "Buscaglia" with 18 SM79 = 140 soldiers(froml 10 marcho 1944)
- 4 Unità di collegamento terra/ cielo with radar e radio apparatus
- Reggimento Arditi paracadutisti "Folgore" = 1.500 soldiers, diveded between german units (from late may 1944)
- Battaglione Autonomo Paracadutisti "Nembo" = 350 soldiers(from febbruary 1944)

29a legione SS italiane (700 soldiers at the front)

- II Battaglione "Vendetta" ("Degli Oddi") = 692 soldiers (from the end of march 1944)
- I Battaglione "Debica" (it shuold substitute the "Vendetta" but the btn. arrived near the front when the Allied had just defeated the Axis forces and they were marching to Rome)

GNR -FORZE DI POLIZIA (450 soldiers)

- 652° Comando provinciale GNR
- 655° Comando Provinciale GNR
- 655a Compagnia Ordine Pubblico GNR
- little units of GNR Forestale, Stradale, Postelegrafonica, Ferroviaria
- little units of Guardie di Pubblica Sicurezza and of Guardia di Finanza
- Carabinieri's units

We must add some units that operated with police purposes: 5a Compagnia "Granatieri di Sardegna" and Battaglione "IX Settembre" (GNR)



Staff member
Posted 19 December 2003 - 10:51 AM by Barbarigo

Anzio 16 febbruary 1944

14th German Army

Chief: general Eberahard von Mackensen

* 92nd Inf. Div.
* 362nd Inf. Div.
* 16th SS Panzergranadier Divisione REICHSFUHRER- SS
* 114th Jager Div.
* 1027th Panzergranadier regiment
* 1028th Panzergranadier regiment
* Lehr regiment

* 1st Fallschirmkorps:
  • 65th Inf. Div.
    4th Fallschirm Div.
    1st Artillerie Regiment (Luftwaffe)
    1st Sturmgeschutz Abteilung (Luftwaffe)
    1st Fallschirm Flak Regiment
    1st fallschirm MG Batallion
* 76th Panzerkorps
  • 71st Inf. Div.
    715th Inf. Div.
    26th Panzer Div.
    3rd Panzergranadier Div.
    Herman Goering Panzer Division
    508th Schwere Panzer Abteilung (Tiger I)
    1st/653rd Schwere Panzer Abteilung (Ferdinand self- propelled guns)
    216th Sturmpanzer Abteilung (Brummbar self- propelled guns)
    301st Funklenk Panzer Abteilung
Anzio 23 may 1944

14th German Army

Chief: general Eberahard von Mackensen

* 92nd Inf. Div.
* 334th Inf. Div.
* 29th Panzergranadier Div.
* 76th Panzerkorps
  • 362nd Inf. Div.
    715th Inf. Div.

    508th Schwere Panzer Abteilung (Tiger I)
    1st/653rd Schwere Panzer Abteilung (Ferdinand self- propelled guns)
    216th Sturmpanzer Abteilung (Brummbar self- propelled guns)
* Herman Goering Panzer Division
* 1st Fallschirmkorps:
  • 65th Inf. Div.
    3rd Panzergranadier Div.
    4th Fallschirm Div.
    1st Korps Artillerie Regiment (Luftwaffe)
    1st Sturmgeschutz Abteilung (Luftwaffe)
    1st Fallschirm Flak Regiment
    Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:05 PM1st fallschirm MG Batallion
As a replacement: 26th Panzer Division

Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:05 PM by Stomo X

Barbarigo knows his Anzio
The 26th Panzer Div. was suppose to be the replacement and I found this on the website:
Panzerwrecks 9:Italy 1 The Panzerwrecks Blog

Panzerwrecks 9:p44/45 unit ID confirmed

Posted on 17 June 2011 by Lee Archer
Martin Block emailed us with confirmation of the untit for the M41 90/53 801 (i) on pages 44 & 45 of Panzerwrecks 9:

"These days I was approached by an Italian researcher who had some questions about the II/Pz. Rgt. 26 in September 1943. Searching for answers to his questions I was browsing through the 'Zustandsberichte' of the 26 PZ. Div and by chance realized a detail I have manage to miss all the many times I have studied them before. The 'Kriegsgliederungen' do show a single 9 cm Pak (i) being with Stab Pz. Rgt. 26 continuously from 1.12.1943 until 1.3.1944. How I failed to notice this so far I don't know. Must have been a case of "at times one doesn't realize the wood because of all the trees" as a German saying goes;-) But now I have little doubt that this 9 cm Pak (i) was nothing else than the M41 90/53 801 (i) S/P gun with 26 PZ Div. markings shown in PW 9 Italy 1 on p 44/45 which I then had failed to attribute to any divisional subunit."

He only listed one Semovente 90/53 and has it listed between 1.12.43 and 1.3.44. Maybe the Semovente 90/53 was sent ahead to Anzio in March and served as artillery during their fighting? It still doesn't explain why there is no Iron cross emblem on the Semovente in the photo. Sorry, just thinking out loud.
During the month of March, the 26th Panzer Div. was south of Rome in the Alban hills area and in reserve at the time of the Allied breakout.

*Semovente 90/53 @ Orsogna:
26.Panzer Division was equipped with 18 75mm M42 SP and 7 105/25 M43 SP in November 1943.

The Semovente 90/53 from 26. Panzer-Division belonged to the Stabskompanie of Pz.Rgt. 26, as shown in an chart dated 1stDecember 1943.(source panzerwrecks blog).

Used in the area of Orsogna until January 1944. At the end of 1944, 2 Lince were delivered. Unit fought east of Bologna and in April 1945 crossed the Po and retreated towards Austria.