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Letter requesting compensation from the West German


Staff member
Posted 17 August 2004 by ochimura

Could someone translate the following for me (I can get the gist of it but my Italian isn't good enough to translate properly). Thanks in advance :)

The context is a letter requesting compensation from the West German government (the letter was written in the 1960s). The text below is the supporting statement.

Catturato dalle SS tedesche il 24.7.1944 a Caldogno (Vicenza) mentre da civile attendeva ad una funzione reliosa nella chiesa di detto Comune, assieme ad altri suoi concittadini, fu deportato in Germania ed internato prima nel campo di concentramento di Breslau, nell’Alta Slesia, e successivamente a Gorliz, Linz e Dresda, dove venne liberato dalle truppe russe, che gli cone?ssero il rimpatrio il 10.8.1945.

Come sospetto di aver svolto attivita’ partigiana contro le forze tedesche in Italia, fu assoggettato durante i 13 mesi del suo internamento a continui maltrattamenti ed ai lavori forzati.

Avendo subito per fede ai principi di liberta’ le persecuzioni naziste, chiede di essere ammeso al beneficio della riparazione ed all’indennizzo previsti dal sopra citato Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica.

Con fiducia nell’accoglimento della domanda, ringrazia e si firma


Posted 17 August 2004 by ECUD

Captured by the SS german the 24.7.1944 at CALDOGNO (VICENZA) while from civil expected at a function religion in church told common, with others its fellow-citizens, was deported in Germany and send first in field of [CONCENTRAMENTO] of [BRESLAU], [NELL’ALTA] [SLESIA], and afterwards at [GORLIZ], [LINZ] and [DRESDA], where it was freed by russian troops, that the concess I repatriate it the 10.8.1945.

Like suspicious to have carried out [ATTIVITA’] partisan against german strengths in Italy, was submitted during the 13 months of its one [INTERNAMENTO] at continuous ones [MALTRATTAMENTI] and to forced works.

Having immediately for faith to princes of [LIBERTA’] persecutions nazist, asks to be [AMMESO] to benefit of repair and [ALL’INDENNIZZO] foreseen by the over quoted I decree some president of republic.

With trustness [NELL’ACCOGLIMENTO] of question, thanks and signs itself.

Eccotti la traduzione,più o meno;spero di essere stato d' aiuto.


Posted 17 August 2004 by ochimura
Thanks. That's a very literal translation but it gives me a bit of a better idea :) The third paragraph remains difficult to understand though. Can anyone else offer a translation?


Posted 17 August 2004 by 230 A

... Having suffered the nazis vexation because of remaining loyal to [own] ideas of freedom, [the undersigned] proposes a motion to be acknowledged to be indemnised [+/- the acknowledgment of his status of political persecuted] and to receive the indemnity according to rules ex above-mentioned decree of the President of the [italian] Republic.



Posted 17 August 2004 by ochimura

Thanks, 230A, that makes it a bit more clear. Now I've just got to track down the camps that are listed