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Infantry Company HQ Platoon TOE

Hi, i know that the Infantry Company HQ Platoon, according to the 1930 manual "La Compagnia di Fanteria in Combattimento" and the 1931 manual "I Servizi della Fanteria" is structurated in this way:

Executive Officer of the Company (Commander of the Command Platoon)
Squadra Comando
-1 messanger on bike
-2 messanger on foot
Squadra Rifornitori
-1 ammunition carrier corpolal
-6 ammunition carrier
Squadra Salmerie
-16 mules conductors
-16 mules (6 LMGs + Ammo mules, 3 Ammo mules, 7 Cooking Eqipment and Food mules)

Plus, i dont know in what squad are located the following soldiers mentioned into "I Servizi della Fanteria":
-3 cooks
-6 streachers bearer
-1 cobbler
-1 taylor
-1 apprentice armorer

Also according to "La Compagnia di Fanteria in Combattimento":
-the Command Squad had 21 man
-the Ammunition Carriers/Supply Squad had 7 man
-the Baggage Squad had 18 man and 16 mules.

According to this information there are 20 man (18 from Command, 2 from Baggage) missing from the organization (12 are known but i don't know how they are allocated [see b)], 8 are totally uknown). Someone of yours know how the unassigned mans are assigned and who are the missing man?

P.S.: I'm italian so, please, forgive me if there is some grammar or lexical error...
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Staff member

I apologize for taking too long to answer. I have checked all my books and I am not sure I have the answer. However....

12 missing men are in the squadra maggiorità. Looking at the organization for the battaglione fanteria libiche, the cooks, the armorer, and other varied services are in that squadra.

8 men are in the squadra collegamenti. See Personale e materiali per i collegamenti nelle minori unità specchio 7.

There should be 1 sottufficiali in the squadra maggiorità.

You should have:
Plotone comando
-Comandante (1 + 1 attendenti)
-Squadra maggiorità (12)
-Squadra collegamenti (8)
-Squadra rifornitori (7)
-Squadra salmerie (16 or 18)

This is what I have been able to piece together.

Pista! Jeff


Staff member
I am not sure of anything at this point in time :) I have not found a manual that discusses the plotone comando da compagnia in any great detail. This is guess work. You are using a 1931 manual to identify 12 of the missing personal. I used a 1934 manual to identify 8 more of the missing personal.

None of my books gives any detail on the plotone comando. :(
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Staff member
I assume that the 8 men use the bandiere a lampo di colore. They are listed as signalatori e osservatori. The company is authorized 8 bandiere a lampo di colore.

A question is whether the 2 portaordini and the one ciclista are included in the 8 men or not. I don't believe they are part of the 8 but are separate authorizations.

Hi, i know that the Infantry Company HQ Platoon, according to the 1930 manual "La Compagnia di Fanteria in Combattimento" and the 1931 manual "I Servizi della Fanteria" is structurated in this way:

Executive Officer of the Company (Commander of the Command Platoon)
Squadra Comando (19 man total: 5 sure, 10 not sure, 4 maybe present)
-1 orderly for the Company Commander
-1 orderly for the Company XO
-1 messanger on bike
-2 messanger on foot
-4 signallers with hand flags (not sure if they are really present)
-3 cooks (not sure if are assigned to this squad)
-6 streachers bearer (not sure if are assigned to this squad)
-1 apprentice armorer (not sure if are assigned to this squad)
Squadra Rifornitori (7 man: OK)
-1 ammunition carrier corpolal
-6 ammunition carrier
Squadra Salmerie (18 man total: 16 sure, 2 not sure)
-1 cobbler (not sure if are assigned to this squad)
-1 taylor (not sure if are assigned to this squad)
-16 mules conductors
-16 mules (6 LMGs + Ammo mules, 3 Ammo mules, 7 Cooking Eqipment and Food mules)

Plus, i dont know in what squad are located the following soldiers mentioned into "I Servizi della Fanteria":

Also according to "La Compagnia di Fanteria in Combattimento":
-the Command Squad had 21 man
-the Ammunition Carriers/Supply Squad had 7 man
-the Baggage Squad had 18 man and 16 mules.

According to this information there are 20 man (18 from Command, 2 from Baggage) missing from the organization (12 are known but i am not sure how they are allocated [see a)], 4 are maybe known [see a)],2 are totally uknown). Someone of yours know how the unassigned mans are assigned and who are the missing man?

P.S.: I'm italian so, please, forgive me if there is some grammar or lexical error...
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the squad "rifornitori" was later deleted? in the Stefani book "Storia della dottrina..." the plotone comando, this would be those just before of WW2, Addestramento della fanteria march 1939 edition, is reported only on the squads: comando, pattugliatori, salmeria