• Get Paid to Write for Comando Supremo: We are looking for talented researchers/writers who are fluent in English and can write original content on Italy in World War Two. Please reach out to [email protected] if interested!

Search results

  1. F

    Upcoming film about Salvatore Todaro

    I have recently found out that a movie about Salvatore Todaro is in the making: https://www.mymovies.it/film/2022/il-comandante/ https://filmitalia.org/it/film/148722/...
  2. F

    General Alberto Ferrero

    Does anyone know what exactly happened to General Alberto Ferrero, commander of the XXIII Corps, after the armistice? I know that he allowed the Germans to seize Trieste without any serious resistance and relocated his headquarters first to Cervignano, then to San Donà di Piave, but then? Did he...
  3. F

    Luogotenente generale Francesco Antonelli

    Does anyone know the date (or at least year) and place of his death?
  4. F

    Photos of Generals

    Does anyone know any photo of generals Alessandro Gloria, Giuseppe Daodice, Agenore Frangipani, Francesco La Ferla, Carlo De Simone, Nicolangelo Carnimeo, and Domenico Chirieleison?
  5. F

    Executions in Messina, August 1943?

    In a note to an article by Filippo Cappellano on "Storia Militare", written some years ago, it is mentioned that during the evacuation of Messina (August 1943), some "dispersed" Italian soldiers (sbandati) were executed because they were "hindering" the evacuation operations. Does anyone have...
  6. F

    Generals Vittorio Ruggero and Giuseppe Molinero

    Does anyone know their respective date and place of death? Additionally, for Molinero, are there any details about his captivity after the fall of Palermo (where was he held, when was he released)?
  7. F

    General Giuseppe Santoro after 8 September 1943

    Does anyone know what exactly happened to General Santoro after the German capture of Rome? I know that he remained in Rome after 8 September while Sandalli followed the king to Brindisi and was still there on 11 September, but then what did he do?
  8. F

    General Mario Vercellino after 8 September 1943

    Does anyone know what exactly happened to General Mario Vercellino, commander of the Fourth Army, after the Armistice of Cassibile? I know that he disbanded his Army on 12 September, then there seems to be no info. Was he captured by the Germans, did he go into hiding, join the Resistance, reach...